Tuesday, September 22, 2009

eHow does it again.

Ok, I've been playing piano for over half my life now, and I'm also a music major in my senior year at college. So when I tell you that these videos really opened my mind, you can know they are that good. I thought I was playing triplets properly, but now I know that I was mistaken. Just listen to these experts tell you how to play triplets on their respective instruments!



Wow. Wasn't that impressive? I certainly thought so. And all this time, I thought I had been doing it right. In case the videos above weren't quite helpful enough, or if they didn't cover your respective instrument be sure to check the videos below! Remember, triplets are played differently on different instruments, otherwise they wouldn't have gone through the trouble to make different videos! They even have Irish Flute!

Bass Guitar


Irish Flute

*Ok, for those of you who aren't musicians, I'll just clarify: the sax player was wrong on SO many levels. Second, the pianist-although a little bit loopy-was completely right, and she's probably really a vocalist! Last, there is absolutely no excuse for the drummer; what an utter moron. TRIPLE FAIL.

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