Crammed in a back alley of Downtown LA, in a dingy and dark warehouse which, from the exterior, looked like any other door in a back alley that you wouldnt necessarily want to enter in to....last nights Blow Up LA proved to be an awesome success. Fueled by hard pumping techno remixes for the early part of the night, the crowd seemed to be sufficiently inebriated and sweat drenched by 1am, making way for the first band, Wallpaper. Going on a little after 1am didnt stop the enthusiastic reception these guys received. Nor did it effect the energy they pumped out among the hundreds of rabid scene kids waiting to get a taste of what they had to offer.
Playing songs such as Evrytm We Do It and T-Rex, Ricky Reed and Arjun Singh never lost energy, and even turned the stage into an impromptu dance floor, with fans joining them and girating to the delicious, experimental/techno jams.
With photos from Shadowscene and a photobooth from Still Life Photography, there are sure to be enough pictures from that night to fill in the gaps that you may have experienced if you had a little too much fun. And if you werent there, well, I'm sorry. But theres sure to be another Blow Up LA party soon.
See you there!
P.S. Photos/evidence to follow shortly....
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