Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Scissors for Lefty and the Happiest Place on Earth!

Scissors for Lefty is heading back home tonight and through our neck of the woods here in L.A. later this week with their tour of merry-makers: Juliette and the Licks featuring Juliette Lewis and Chicago's own Suffrajett.

In the meantime we're rockin out to Scissors for Lefty remixes!!

If you've been reading The Tripwire, then you already know that we're releasing four new tracks from Scissors for Lefty: 3 remixes and an ORIGINAL Christmas song!

They'll be released every Tuesday and we'll upload them to the band's latest myspace: Scissors for Lefty REMIXED

Here's this week's offering:
Scissors for Lefty - Lay Down Your Weapons - Remix
This remix was done by The Rondo Bros.

Here's the remix from last week:

Scissors for Lefty - Mama Your Boys Will Find a Home - Remix

also by The Rondo Bros

Here's the first one we released the first week:

Scissors for Lefty - Ghetto Ways Baron Von Luxxury's Super Thanks For Asking - Remix
This remix is actually available on "Underhanded Romance" vinyl which you can purchase here

You can follow the band on tour on Justin.tv/scissorsforlefty

Here's the rest of the dates...

Scissors for Lefty Shows

On another note, you all know how I'm a MEGA NIN fan? Well if you didn't you do now.

There's a new happiest place on earth - click to visit

I recommend the "Highest Rated Overall" playlist
featuring the Keith Hillebrandt remix of The Wretched... badass.


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